Solo in Paris Part II

|The icon of the Parisian city
Second mission of this trip, Eiffel tower early morning. I thought I was going to make the sun rise at the tower but poor me, I was so tire, hours later I have arrived!It was a bit of a hunt for me as I did not really know how to get there. I followed my “off line google map”. Finally I turned around and found the steel tip of the tower 2 blocks from the Metro. She was beautiful and very powerful in a way made me stare. Not sure if it was because Eiffel is very famous or its iconic symbol to Paris that made me just examine her from head to toe, all by myself.
My version of Eiffel tower is a bit different than others that it has a huge tennis ball hung right in the middle. Yep, there were people working on getting that round ball up there. It was supper nice and quiet at 8:00AM here in the park too. People were jogging and heading to work.
I love it. I love that I got to see all daily life that they had. I enjoyed the kind blue sky that Paris has today. It made my blog looks colorful 🙂
Helpful fact: You can get a free wifi in the park here in Paris. There are at least 2 free public restrooms. They are automatic and when it cleans, it cleans the floor as well. So be ready to grab your belongs before hit that exit button!!
There are so many restaurants and cafe opened around the tower. You can take your time picking one you like.
Ticket windows were still closed at 8:00 AM.
Eiffel tower stands tall in a beautiful and well maintained park.
It is amazing to be able to look up and see bunch of iron constructed like crisscross and look awesome. I guess  Gustave Eiffel did it right!
Complicated construction for French Open 2014!
I got a chance to feel the rush of the Parisian in the morning. A quick cup of coffee at a bar. A very small cup of coffee more like capucino.